Simple Tips for Eating Healthy on a Budget

During this time of year, many people are thinking about goals. Two areas that people commonly seek to improve are their finances and their fitness. A major part of improving your physical fitness is to eat healthier, and many people worry that will be more expensive. However, it does not have to be. With a few helpful strategies and some smart planning, you can work toward your health goals without breaking the bank and derailing your financial objectives.

In fact, fitness and finances have a lot in common. Some of the best habits you can develop will actually help you in both areas (self-discipline, cutting out luxuries, etc.). Here are some tips to help you eat healthier without a major negative financial impact.

Be Careful with Subscriptions

In recent years, subscription-based weight loss resources have exploded in popularity. Social media has made it easy for people to market these products and services. Chances are, you know someone who is selling weight loss supplements or weight loss coaching services as a side business. There is certainly nothing wrong with that, but you should think very carefully before signing up and making a new monthly financial commitment.

First, some of these side businesses do not offer much that can really help you. Many weight loss supplements or other vitamins don’t actually make you healthier. Even the services that can help you can often be had for free elsewhere. A weight loss coach might give you tips about what to eat and which exercises to do, but you can get that information from a number of resources at no cost.

There are many online diet planners that can help you build a specific nutrition plan catered to your goals. There are also a ton of websites that can teach you the science behind nutrition and exercise, so that your plan has a good chance of working and isn’t a marketing gimmick. Of course, YouTube is a great resource as well, both for dieting tips and cooking videos but also for free exercise content.

Long story short—you probably don’t need to pay someone else for diet advice. Instead, try saving money by utilizing free resources. If you find that doesn’t work and you need additional help or accountability, then you might consider a paid resource.

Picking the Right Diet

There are a ton of formal diets you can choose from. Some people opt for a balanced approach, while others use low-carbohydrate diets, like Keto or Paleo. You will want to research the various approaches and choose the one that is right for you. However, you should keep in mind that low-carb diets are more likely to be expensive to maintain because the compatible foods tend to be much more costly.

Find Affordable Healthy Foods and Incorporate Them

One piece of good news is that some of the healthiest foods you can buy at the grocery store also happen to be some of the most affordable. Here are just a few examples of foods that are often ridiculously cheap and fit with many diet plans:

A number of fruits and vegetables
Chicken (usually much cheaper than red meat)

Of course, there are many more foods to consider, but this is already a very solid list to get you started. For other ideas, check out this list from Greatist or this one from EatingWell.

Limit Other Foods

When you add new, healthier foods to your budget, then you will probably cut out some foods at the same time. You may no longer drink soda, and you might also cut out sugary desserts or some red meats. Whatever you cut out, remember that these “savings” will go toward your new grocery budget and can help keep your new eating habits from being too expensive.

Document Your Grocery Trips

If you make major changes to your grocery budget, then you should carefully document your first few trips to the store. Keep your receipts and compare them to receipts from before you made changes to your diet. Also, keep an eye on how the prices of the items you are buying now might fluctuate over time. Since you’re getting into a new rhythm and routine, you will want to track the costs so you can see any major changes.

Look for Discounted Grocers

If you find that certain foods are very expensive, check your area for discounted grocery stores. Many localities have low-cost grocers. Aldi, for example, has become a popular option for many cost-conscious shoppers. But you should also check for discounted grocers, which are essentially the grocery equivalent of scratch and dent stores. They sell slightly damaged food goods (think scuffed or dented packaging) at incredibly low prices. This might be an effective way to buy some of your favorite healthy foods at a major discount.

All the Usual Grocery Shopping Tips Apply

Once you’re in a new healthy-eating routine, then it will be business as usual when it comes to grocery shopping. You will want to use as many of the “normal” grocery saving strategies that you can. To name a few: shop around at various local stores to find the best prices on staple items, use coupons, and use apps like Ibotta and others which reduce your grocery bill further. Most importantly, keep a budget and try to stick to it each month—for groceries and your other major spending categories.

For more help with budgeting or working toward your other financial goals, contact an NFCC credit counselor.

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The Mental Impact of Financial Stress and Tips for Dealing with COVID-19 Impacts

A recent poll from the National Endowment for Financial Education shows that 88 percent of Americans are experiencing financial stress as a result of COVID-19. That does not come as much of a surprise, given the way in which the pandemic has created widespread uncertainty and significant economic fallout in such a short time. Financial stress revolves around money, but it is a form of stress and therefore both a personal finance and mental health issue. If you are experiencing stress and anxiety about your finances and are concerned about the future and making ends meet, consider the following tips and resources to preserve a positive outlook.

Establish a Routine and Consistent Self-Care

Most of our routines have been upended in recent months, which can certainly contribute to stress. However, many have referred to life after COVID-19 as the “new normal,” which means that it provides an opportunity to create a new routine. As the National Alliance on Mental Illness explains, “daily habits and routines can help you feel more in control of your own well-being.” To feel most in control, try to preserve as much of your pre-COVID routine as possible. This means trying to find time for the activities you used to do and trying to keep as much consistency in the timing of those activities as possible.

Make sure that your routine includes time to exercise, ways to eat healthy (i.e. adequate time to plan for grocery shopping and cooking), and a healthy sleep schedule. A routine that includes each of these should help you retain a sense of normalcy and limit stress. In addition to these basic elements of a routine, consider building in time for relaxing activities. These could include yoga and meditation, stretching, extra time with pets or kids, or even just a personal hobby that you enjoy. If you have the capacity and desire to take on a new challenge, consider learning a new skill through one of the many online educational platforms. That, too, could be a positive distraction and provide a benefit to your resume.

Your routine should absolutely include a budget, too. Having a plan for where your money is going can ease your anxiety and provide some sense of predictability. As you plan a daily routine, consult the COVID-19 guide from the National Alliance on Mental Illness, which provides in-depth tips and considerations for handling this difficult time.

Access Available Resources

One of the silver linings of this pandemic has been the rapid response by many individuals, organizations, and governments to provide assistance to others. Make sure that you are aware of these resources and take action when needed, because they may provide the help you need. If you feel overwhelmed by looking for or applying for resources, consider asking a friend, family member, or even a credit counselor for help.

Online Therapy

Talking about your financial stress can make it better, give you peace, and help you develop a plan for moving forward. You can speak with a qualified professional from the comfort of your own home. There are many therapists who offer this service. Consider contacting local professionals in your area. They may be able to work remotely with you now, and then hold face-to-face sessions when restrictions related to COVID-19 are lifted. Alternatively, there are remote-only services available, like Talkspace.

If you are not interested in one-on-one therapy sessions, you might consider joining a group online for people who want to share their experiences of dealing with COVID-19. Talkspace has a free Facebook group; NAMI also has free online community discussion groups. The NAMI Guide also provides a list of several other online communities that may be worth considering.

Lastly, for a completely go-at-your-own-pace option, there is an app called COVID Coach. Though it is being marketed by the Department of Veterans Affairs, it is available to and designed for everyone. The app is a self-care tool designed to provide coping mechanisms during COVID-19, and to allow users to track their progress.

Government Programs

Make sure that you are aware of government programs passed in response to COVID-19. These include the economic impact payments and expanded unemployment benefits. If you need to take action to access these benefits, make a plan to do so. You do not want to miss an opportunity for help when it is available. These programs can also be sources of stress if you are confused about how to apply or if there are delays in processing. Find a friend or family member to help you navigate the programs and to be a sounding board for any questions or frustrations.

Friends, Family, and Community Groups

Connections with friends and family matter now more than ever. Just because you cannot be physically together does not mean you cannot have meaningful conversation and connection virtually. Call, text, or email friends and family to see how they are doing regularly. They will appreciate you thinking about them, and you will get peace of mind and comfort from knowing how they are doing. Now that video calling technology is so easy to use, you can even Zoom, Skype, or FaceTime together, not just to talk but to do a variety of activities (eating dinner, watching a favorite TV show, etc.). In addition to friends and family, be sure to maintain connections with community groups. These could include your church, an organization where you volunteer, or something else. Find ways to stay involved and in conversation with the people at these places. It will help preserve a sense of consistency.

More Help

If COVID-19 has impacted you and caused increased financial stress, know that you are not alone. In fact, you are in the large majority. There is absolutely no shame in asking for help. A few important resources that you might like to have handy are the NAMI Covid-19 Guide, tips from the CDC on Stress and Coping, and a dedicated page on COVID-19 issues from the American Psychological Association. Each of these provides important tips for creating healthy routines and seeking help from professionals if needed. Of course, if you also want specific help with your financial situation, including a plan to manage high-interest debt, we invite you to contact a credit counselor for a one-on-one counseling session.

The post The Mental Impact of Financial Stress and Tips for Dealing with COVID-19 Impacts appeared first on NFCC.

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